Life Skills Workplace Etiquette Geist

Mr. Geist METS  Jersey City   2/19/20 (A)  2/20/20 (B)
Life Skills A/B Day

Aim:  What is Workplace Etiquette?

 Do Now:  Why do companies provide rules for work behavior?

Standard CRP8:  Utilizing Critical Thinking to solve problems

Objectives:  S.W.B.A.T…
a)  List the top five rules of office etiquette
b)  list why offices enforce rules of etiquette
c)  why offices have dress codes

1)  Students will read PDF on Google Classroom
2)  Discussion/Questions
3)  Individual Work

1)  Slide2:  Definition of workplace etiquette.
b)  What the purpose of it?
2)  Slide 3:  Why do offices have a dress code?
3)  Slide 4-8:  When interviewing,  why is it important to use
the proper handshake?
4)  Slide 10:  List the 3 rules of introductions
5)  Slide 11:  What does posture tell the boss or clients?
b)  What is hovering?  Do you like it?  (y/n) why?
c)  Why is it important to give compliments at work?
6)  Slide11-13:  If you were boss, what would the top five rules of etiquette would you enforce?
b)  Which office etiquette is the least important to you?  Why?
7)   Slide 14:  List the three behaviors that would
bother you most and why?

Summary:  Answer the Aim Question

Evidence:  Student work
Slides 2-9

Slides 10-14


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