Life Skills A/B Day Topic: Going to College Mr. Geist

 METS Jersey City 1/29/20 (A) 1/28/20 (B) Life Skills A/B Day
Topic: Going to College
Aim: Which University Should I Choose? Do Now: Is college for you? Y/N Why?
Standard CRP8: Utilizing Critical Thinking to solve problems
Objectives: S.W.B.A.T...
a) list three criteria for their college choices.
b) to identify challenges faced in college.
c) list strategies to help them be successful in college.

  1. 1)  Students will read PDF on Google Classroom
  2. 2)  Discussion/Questions
  3. 3)  Individual Work
1) Slides 1-2 & 5: Top 3 criteria for a college choice? Why?
2) Slide 6: What will be your 3 biggest challenges in college?
3) Slide 8: Where will your effective study area become?
4) Slide 9: Which two points speak to you the most? Why?
5) Slide 10: What will your major be? Why?
6) Slide 11-12: Summarize 4-10: each sentence 5 words or less. 7) Slide 13-15: Summarize 11-20: each sentence 5 words or less. 8) What did I learn today about college I never considered?

Summary: Answer the Aim Question



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