Emotional Interdependence Mr. Geist
I enter grades next Tuesday for the Progress
Report....but 2nd marking period ends Jan. 17th. He has time to do the
work. All my work is on Google Classroom. Mr. Geist. Life Skills Class

Mr. Geist M.E.T.S Jersey City Lesson 3.2Social StudiesA/B Day 112/2 (A)_12/3 (B) Interdependence (Habits 4-6)Aim: How can Emotional Bank Accounts create Interdependence? Do Now: What do you think an emotional bank account is?Standard CRP8;Utilizing critical thinking to solve problems SEL: Respect, Courage, ConsiderationObjective: SWBAT...a) build trust in E.B.A.’s in relationshipsb) respect differences and respect others.c) solve problems in mutual beneficial ways.Agenda1) Students will read PDF on Google Classroom2) Answer Questions (Think, Pair, Share)3) Group SharingQuestions1a) List 2 Deposits and Withdrawals made in your life recently
[slide 4,5]1b)
Slide 4
Slide 5
List 2 Deposits and Withdrawals you have made in the life of others.2) Which two deposits are the hardest for you to make? Why?
3a) List two of your relationship strengths [slide 6]
3b) List a relationship growth area for you?4) What are four things you learned from Slide 6
& 8?
Summary: Answer the Aim Question
Evidence: Students will hand in classwork.
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