
Showing posts from November, 2019

History Voting Registration etc .Flannery


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English Food Deserts Ms. Mulligan Food deserts cause serious problems across many parts of the United States, leading Americans to struggle with unhealthy eating habits and obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 37% of Americans suffer from obesity, which means being overweight to a degree that affects a person’s health. Even though they are aware of this growing problem, many families face serious challenges when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet.   As you read, take notes on the factors that cause food deserts.   ASSIGNMENT IN PROGRESS FOR 8th Grade ELA: A Day Due November 29, 2019 Food Deserts by  Jessica McBirney 2017 Font Size Food deserts cause serious problems across many parts of the United States, leading Americans to struggle with unhealthy eating habits and obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 37% ...

History Social Studies Current Events Mr. Flannery

Lit Boko Haram the Chibok Schoolgirls Kidnapping Ms. Mulligan Commonlit

Math scientific_notation_worksheet__2_ Ms. Ordonez

Convert the following numbers into Scientific Notation             1) -0.0265 = -2.65 x 10^-2       7) 392 = 3.92 x 10^2                                                                                                                          2) 53000 = 5.3 x 10^4             8) -0.00361 = -...

Lit. Gift of the Magi Mulligan

Comon Lit assessment

Standardized Tests Mr. Flannery

Name: Period: Date: Do Now: Do you think teachers give too many tests? Why do you think too many tests are good or bad? Explain in 2-3 sentences. Objective: Students will be able to analyze a current event through reading an article and answering guided questions. Activity 1: Answer the guided questions below 1. Why do you think states give standardized tests like PARCC? 2. Do you think students should be given standardized tests? Why/Why not? 3. Do you think that tests cause some students to stress? How? 4. What are other ways students can be graded besides tests? Activity 2: Read the article and answer the questions below: 1. What is the U.S. government trying to cut down? 2. What have people complained about too many hours being used for? 3. Instead of developing tests how can school districts use money from the federal government? 4. Why does Education Secretary, John King Jr., think good exams are important? 5. Each school year on average how many ho...


HABIT 2: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Mr. Geist (Life Skills Class) Names Period   1. “If you aim at nothing, you are bound to hit it.” What does that mean?   2. You attend a funeral. As you walk up to the casket, you realize, it is YOU who is in the casket. Three people will be speaking about you. What would they say? a. A co-worker: b. Family member: c. Friend:   3. Where will you be 25 years from now?

Engish Argument Writing Organizer Ms. Mulligan

Lit Food Choices Earth Climate Ms. Mulligan

Erin Mulligan Created Nov 16 Nov 16 Please complete the Common Lit Assignment

Scientific Notation Math


English Research Paper Ms. Mulligan cc Mr. Geist

Has Cesar done any more work for the research project?  The paper needs to be 4 pages long 12 pt. font, times new roman, line spacing double.  There are resources posted on the google classroom to help him with the paper.  I will need the finished paper next week.  Thank you.  Also, I have assigned the class a weekly commonlit assignment.  They are posted in google classroom as well.  Thanks and let me know if you need anything.  Thanks. Mulligan, Erin 1:55 PM (26 minutes ago)

CS Out of town town Until Monday




MATH Carnival Borg

Tickets/ Cost: 1 / .50, 12 / 5, 25/10, 120/50 The Situation: You are at a high school carnival’s booth and see the ticket prices in the picture. The Challenge(s): Which ticket option is the best deal? Which ticket option is the worst deal? Which ticket options are the same deal? What problem are you trying to figure out? What do you already know from the problem? What do you need to know to solve the problem? What is your conclusion?

Social Studies 11/6 Voting and 11/13 What does a President Look Like Mr. Flannery

8th gradeSocial Studies Agenda Name:                                         Date: Period: Do Now:  Do you think kids should be able to vote in Presidential Elections? Why/Why not? Explain in 2-3 sentences. Objective: Students will be able to analyze voting through answering guided questions Activity 1: Read the article and answer the questions below: Democracies Need Voters  Ask anyone what it means to live in a democracy, and you’re likely to hear something about voting. While there’s more to a democracy than voting, the citizens’ right to determine their own government is a basic democratic concept. But here’s the thing: It’s not really “the citizens” who choose our leaders. It’s the people who show up at the polls on election day. So yes, your vote may be just one in millions—but if you don’t use it, you’re...

Social Studies DISASTERS 11/1 and RIGHTS STUDENTS PDF 11/4 Mr. Flannery

Name: Period:  Date: Do Now: What are some natural disasters that can happen? How would you prepare for a natural disaster? Objective: Students will be able to analyze current event through reading article and answering guided questions. Activity 1: Read the article and answer the questions below: SANTA ROSA, California — Strong winds have caused several wildfires. Almost 200,000 people have had to leave their homes. California's governor declared a statewide emergency Sunday, October 27. Millions of residents do not have power. Their electricity was cut off to help prevent the fires from spreading. Governor Gavin Newsom said that officials are doing everything possible to respond to the wildfires. The fires include a large blaze in Northern California. Strong winds were causing the fire to spread. California fire officials said Monday that the fire had burned 119 square miles. That is an area almost three times the size of San Francisco. The officials added that onl...

Math Word Problems. Ms. Borg Name_______________________________ Word Problems 1. 5 hockey pucks and three hockey sticks cost $23. 5 hockey pucks and 1 hockey stick cost $20. How much does 1 hockey puck cost? 2. This year, your brother Jack will be 2 years from being twice as old as your sister Jen. The sum of Jack’s age and three times Jen’s age is 66. How old is Jen? 3. Parents donated fudge for the fund raiser for your classroom. 40 pounds of choc olate fudge sold for $2.15 per pound and vanilla fudge sold for $190. per pound. Your class made $158.20. How many pounds of fudge were sold? 4. One of your friends is heading north for a holiday and the other friend is heading south. If their destinies are 1029 miles apart and one car is traveling at 45 miles per hour and the other car is traveling at 53 miles per hour. How many hours befo re the two cars pass each other? 5. Dana needs 300 pickets for he r colorful picket fence. She wants equal amounts of each of her 4...

Edulastic Science Saus
