
Showing posts from September, 2019

Science Force Youtube PDF Quiz 9/27 Saus  Created Sep 24

Social Studies Bill of Rights

Reminder all classes will have a open notes quiz tomorrow 9/25. You can use the slides found below to find any notes you may have missed.

Social Studies First Amendment and Government Forms Mr. Flannery


Social Studies Flannery Government Presentation


Social Studies Mr. Flannery

8th gradeSocial Studies Agenda Name: Date: Period: Do Now: Why do you think some teachers are very strict? Explain in 2-3 sentences. Objective: Students will be able to analyze US Constitution through reading about the sections of the Constitution and answering guided questions. Activity 1: Try to write the phrases below in your own words. 1. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, 2.establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,  3.provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare,  4.and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity 5. do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Activity 4: Read  page 4 of the article and answer the questions below: 1. What is the U.S. Constitution? 2. How many parts is the U.S. Constitution divided i...

Science 8th Grade Ms. Saus Classroom on Google Adaptation Classification

9/11 An introduction to Classifying and Naming Organisms PDF 8 pages  Google Classroom code cd1vcn  Environnment Adaptation, Video (4:36) Classification Video (7:41) Bacteria, Eukaryotes, Protists, heterotrophs, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia  (Kingdom Upper case, Italics), phylum (lower case italics) ,  class order family genus species KP C O F G S mnemonic Kindly Professors Can Often Fail Good Students 9/8 Video Evolution it's a thing 11:43


English Friday Work inference questions on pages 40, 42, and 45. Do the quiz

Friday: Answer inference questions on pages 40, 42, and 45. Do the quiz.  Page 40 Reread lines 31-45 How do you think Squeaky feels about taking care of her brother? Use an equation to note your inference 42 Reread lines 115-126  A) What do you think Squeaky's relationship with her mother is like?    Squeaky's mother  wants her to  run  in the May Day  race  because all little girls do it. ...  Squeaky  feels that her  mother  wants to make her into something she is not, by forcing her to be a girl. Reread lines 135-136  B) How is Squeaky's like affected by having to take care of Raymond? See below. Think how she might deal with Raymond Next year  She may coah him or at least run with him sometimes.  40 ) Equation: Family > Friends Squeaky is proud of her ability to stand up for brother, even though it is sometimes difficult. Raymond is Squeaky’s older brother, but she calls him her l...

Borg, Kristina elective problem solving class

Mon, Sep 9, 3:10 PM (16 hours ago) to  me I have him for an elective problem solving class. Once I get google classroom set up I can download assignments on there for him.

English Wednesday work Raymond's Run

Wednesday: Read pages 37 - 46. Do the plot worksheet and answer questions 1 -3, 5 - 8 on p.47 Plot worksheet: Questions 1) Recall: What nickname have the big kids given Squeaky and why? They call her  Mercury, because she runs so fast.  2) Clarify: Why does Squeaky find the may pole dance is a waste of time? Squeaky  has no interest in behaving like a typical, feminine girl by participating in the  pole dancing  because she is more focused on winning the fifty-yard dash and beating her new rival, Gretchen. 3) Clarify: Describe Squeaky's reaction when she sees Raymond wunning paralel to her in the race Squeaky's race is a sprint, so she doesn't have much time on the actual course to look around. What's great about the writing is that it gives the reader the impression of everything happening in slow motion. This concept is a common description from many athletes, an...

English Monday Work Mrs. Bouchard Close Reads and Academic goals

Monday: Academic goals worksheet hard copy picture below Read pages. 26 - 30 in the text. Do all the "Close Reads" questions.  Close Reads:  Page 29. Johnny Tremain  1. In your own words, describe the conflict Johnny is facing. Ans: Johnny does not understand what is going on.  2. Johnny' conflict isn;t fully revealed until lines 11-12. What details earlier in the excerpt suggest that a problem is brewing? "cousin, is it?" suggests he is not a close relative "The question is how was it ever separated from its fellows?" implies someone stole the cup. Eva and the Mayor 1. What details suggest that Eva is conflicted about her decision to let Kenisha copy her homework, one detail is boxed. "The whole thing made her feel pretty mixed up." could imply guilt or sadness. 2. In your opinion is Eva overcome with guilt? Support your answer. Not overcome. Gramma Evelyn had said to be nice to Kenisha. Eva wanted to get in with Keni...

Raymond’s Run Mrs. Bouchard/ Mrs. Pierre after Wed.

Monday: Read pgs. 26 - 30 in the text. Do all the "Close Reads" questions. The vocabulary is attached along with a vocabulary worksheet. You'll need to print 3 copies of the vocabulary worksheet. Wednesday: Read pgs. 37 - 46. Do the plot worksheet and answer questions 1 -3, 5 - 8 on pg. 47 Friday: Answer inference questions on pgs. 40, 42, and 45. Do the quiz. Find a short article on Hydrocephalus and write a one-paragraph summary. Hydrocephalus  is a condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds up within the ventricles (fluid-containing cavities) of the brain and may increase pressure within the head. Vocabulary Sentinel Spectral Impetuous Clutch Crouch Liable Prodigy Relay Sidekick Inference sen·ti·nel  / ˈsent(ə)nəl / noun  a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. Learn to pronoun ...